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English Essay/ Personal Experience Essay.

English Essay/ Personal Experience Essay.

Everyone has a memory of a special day in his life that is unforgettable whether bad or good. I had the most horrible experience that I have ever had when my mother first entered the hospital. This day will not be forgotten from my memory all my life, and the wave of that bad emotion had accompanied me until now. 

I remember that incident very well up to this moment. It happened before two months ago, that day I started my routine early, it was Friday and we woke up early  8:00 because Friday is the only day we meet as a family for meals, after breakfast we cleaned the house and the day passed quickly, in the evening we went to my cousin's engagement. We enjoyed it so much because the place was far away from our house, and it was a trip for us in my dad's car and lovely family moments. When we got home we were happy and we were discussing the engagement events. My mother went to pray the Asha prayer and suddenly she fell before she finished praying and could not breathe, we thought the sugar has fallen in her body so we bring a water and sugar solution and try drank to her, but nothing changed and she did not wake up.

My father and I went to the hospital, for me it was the first time in my life. when we arrived my father called on our relative working in the hospital and came to help us. The doctors doing a full check for her, and everything was clean, then they gave her a soothing needle, waited for half an hour and went home. That night I stayed up and feeling worried, and go every moment to cheek her until morning, and I cannot sleep until my father woke up.

To sum up, this experience was the worst for me, and I hope from God that will not happen again to me or anyone else.

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