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working women outside/ more women are now going out to work what causes of this, and what effect is this having on families and society?

working women outside workday jobs/ more women are now going out to work what causes of this, and what effect is this having on families and society?

As life is changing rapidly and the financial responsibilities are increasing, more women are leaving their houses to work outside workday jobs in charity work or in Unicef jobs with men. In fact, this contributes to the overall growth of a country, but at the same time, it has a bad impact on other aspects. There are some causes for working women.

The first cause for a working woman is to get more money. When women are work workday jobs, they get financial independence that can help the family especially in the difficult situations we are experiencing at the moment. Nowadays, expenses are increasing day by day and this extra income definitely helps the family to overcome the expenses. Woman's salaries can help to get a better education for their children and can have a better lifestyle. 

The second cause of women to work is their desire to get independence and create a special future for them, especially as we live in a society that calls for women's freedom. The right of a woman to work gives them the opportunity to have an independent life. They may be separated from their own homes and children.

As a consequence, the family may be destroyed. In any family, communication between the child and his/ her parents is important. Also, the relationship between them should be supportive. Unfortunately, these days, women have less time for their children because they now have to work for long hours and do not give their children care and support when they need. As a result, those children try to find support from other people who may be bad people.  and that maybe affect them negatively.

Another result of the working woman is a high divorce rate because some women work as workday jobs so they do not find time for their personal lives because they spend most of their time at work, which leads to increased problems between them and her husband can lead to increased marital infidelity due to the negligence of one of the parties.

In Conclusion, I prefer if married women want to work, she should concentrate more on her children's and house, and they should balance their work and personal life.

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